Day 7: DIY Part 1.5 + I have a store!

January 01, 2016

 DIY Part 1.5

Happy New Year everyone! I tried to do something more with these two tissue boards from this DIY attempt - like accenting the patterns in the folds with white paint, but it just looked weird. I think they're best left the way they are. The aluminum foil one, however, is looking pretty cool! I'll post the final product  tomorrow.

PSA: I now have an online store

...for my digital products! You can find it on Sellfy, in the store tab on my Facebook Page, or in the Store page right here on this blog! (how cool is that) The current payment option is just through PayPal.

So far I've only put up a few recordings, but I will be updating with more songs throughout break and onwards. There is an option to "Follow" my store for updates.

Everything is available for free streaming online from other sources like Soundcloud, but if you like my music and wish to support me financially, this store is a quick and easy way to do so :)

Thank you for your support so far! :)

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"Why was the banana sad? Because he was a-kela"